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Research Paper


Who was Auguste Beartoldi?

How was the Statue made? 

Why is the Statue important?

How uch money and how they got it?

What is inside the museum?



Who was Auguste Bartholdi? 

           Auguste Bartholdi played a big role in the making of the Statue of Liberty. Auguste Bartholdi was born on August 2, 1834 in France. He studied art, sculptures, and architecture. He went to Egypt and learned that they wanted a lighthouse for a canal. He started working on the canal’s lighthouse. When he went to the canal’s opening he learned that he could no longer work on the statue. His second chance came in 1865. He was told France wanted to give a gift to North America. He started in 1886 he brought the statue to America. Years later, he died of tuberculosis.


How was the statue made?

         The statue took a long time to make. It was supposed to look like a roman goddess but it ended up looking like Bartholdi’s mother. It had a wooden mold, but the outside was made of copper. They made three different smaller copies of the Statue of Liberty. It was cut into 8 different sections. It took twenty men to build it and took nine years. It covered all of 21 acres.


Why is the Statue important? 

         The Statue of Liberty was very important to America. It was pro-abolition. It was a gift given from France. It meant liberty for all not just America. It assured immigrants it was “the place of their dreams.” It was often associated with the military. It stood for liberty, justice, and democracy.


The Statue of Liberty was a costly gift. It would take everyone in the USA to provide for it. Kids would handout newspapers, encourage schools to give money, and they gave up their birthday money (Holub).  The Franco - American group would hold dinners and dances to raise money. The statue would cost 6 million dollars today. Joseph Pulitzer wrote a newspaper article about the statue saying that he would print the names of those who donated (Holub).


There is a museum inside of the Statue of Liberty, where there are many artifacts inside including, immigrants documents and one of the steamship tickets they would us (Collections). There was old film and video that they play. There are books and a whole library. There are over 390,000 artifacts in the museum (Collections). There are photos of immigrants leaving. There are passports that the immigrants would use. Most of the artifacts found are from the immigrants that were getting ready to head to the USA. 



                                                              Work Cited                                                         

"Collections." National Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, 20. Web. 29 Apr. 2017.

Holub, Joan, and John Hinderliter. What Is the Statue of Liberty? New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 2014. Print.

Landau, Elaine. The Statue of Liberty. New York: Children's, 2008. Children's Press, 2017. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.

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